Event Phone: (401) 732-1100

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
  • Holiday Gift Guide
     October 5, 2022 - November 9, 2022
     7:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Greenwood Credit Union Presents…

The Central RI Chamber Holiday Gift Guide is an easy and budget friendly way to market, promote and expand your customer base this holiday season!

Reach over 5,000 people! Only $100 for a coupon both Print + Digital

Distribution will include: Online, Email, Social Media, Community Events, Local Hotels, Chamber Members, Retail & Coffee Shops, and more

Food & Drink, Clothing & Accessories, Entertainment & Experiences, Health & Wellness, Home & Auto, Unique Gifts, Pets

Advertisements are not category exclusive. Ads are printed in full color. Artwork should be submitted as a high resolution pdf or vector file. ARTWORK DEADLINE EXTENDED TO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2022

Central RI Chamber members get first priority while space is available.

401-732-1100, [email protected]